New Zealand Association for Gifted Children

 Education / Popular

Onewhero is home to the President of the New Zealand Association for Gifted Children – Brooke Trenwith.

The NZAGC, through the members of the National Council, provides the following support to the Branches and their members. Follow the underlined links for more details.

  • Publishes Tall Poppies, a magazine with a focus on gifted children and their families. This is sent to all members, three times a year.
  • Lobbies government and educational circles on your behalf.
  • Sponsors members to relevant conferences and workshops.
  • Organises national workshops for teachers, parents and children.
  • Supports professionals, e.g. teachers, principals and psychologists.
  • Assists parents and teachers to set up new branches around the country and liaise with other similar and interested groups. It can:
    • provide net-based systems for membership management, production of mailing lists/labels, library lists and borrowing procedures, production of accounts.
    • refer potential members to branches.
    • provide details of any professionals available who can help with support/assessments for gifted children.
    • if required, assist branches to determine whether potential members meet membership criteria.
  • Provides a library of books, audio and video tapes, games and pamphlets that all members can borrow.

Provides an on-line forum for discussion of any issues to do with gifted children.

  • Listing ID: 313