Broadbandmap NZ

 Internet / Popular

Learn about broadband options at your place

How to use Broadband Map NZ

Broadband Map NZ is an independent source of information about Internet connection in New Zealand. You can use it for checking broadband options before buying, renting or building a property, for finding a different provider in your area, and for learning more about Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) and the future of fibre in your neighbourhood.

Enter your home or business address and check what broadband options are available at your location and what is a speed range at your address.

You can also learn about broadband connection types in New Zealand and choose a data provider by location or technology.

Where does the Broadband Map NZ data come from?

Data is provided to the Broadband Map on a voluntary basis from a number of wholesale Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that operate networks in New Zealand. This data is collected, processed and updated on the map on a regular basis.


This site does not have 100% coverage of Internet availability as a small number of companies have not provided their data. Furthermore, the data provided may not be 100% accurate as local conditions can often affect both availability and speed. We welcome any provider of copper, fibre, mobile or wireless infrastructure to contact us and provide the information for the map.

  • Listing ID: 1025
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